Eventos Especiales


Bio: “Soy Karen, estudie ingeniería Industrial y una ingeniería en mecatrónica. Tengo un master en administración de empresas. Trabajo en proyectos de envasado automático de alimentos. Tengo un pequeño negocio de suplementos @nutrition_alpha y me he enamorado del crossfit como deporte logrando ser la primer hondureña clasificada a los Crossfit Games (competencia mundial) mi progreso en este deporte lo he documentado en @kgabrielapr “

⁣✨¿Cuál es un miedo has vencido recientemente?”Dios siempre es primero en mi vida. Y el miedo mas grande que supere el año pasado fue dejar mi vida profesional a un lado por un año completo para cumplir mi sueño de ir al Mundial de Crossfit. Lo logre 💪 y todos me apoyaron aunque no todos estaban de acuerdo.”⁣

⁣✨¿Qué es para ti ser Fearless?⁣

⁣”Para mi ser “Fearless” no significa no tener miedo. Es hacer las cosas aunque te den miedo, todo sea por perseguir tus sueños y buscar tu felicidad plena. 💓”⁣

Bio: “Soy Paulina, una mujer feliz con 3 hijos que amo. Mi plenitud y felicidad es cuando hago lo que me gusta, que es cocinar. Ese es mi momento favorito del día. Soy licenciada en comercio internacional, me gradué de la Universidad de Belgrano en Argentina. Estudie Health Coaching en Institute for Integrative Nutrition de NYC. Actualmente queriendo entrar al Instituto Le Cordon Bleu. Soy felizmente católica. “⁣

⁣✨Cuál es un miedo que has vencido recientemente?⁣
⁣Un miedo que he vencido recientemente es el miedo a la vulnerabilidad y a la fragilidad. Por pensarme frágil, me di cuenta que a veces no me atrevía. ⁣

⁣✨Qué es para ti ser Fearless? ⁣
⁣Ser Fearless para mi hoy significa avanzar a pesar de todo lo que se presenta en el camino. Avanzar, aunque sea difícil. Y como veíamos en Disney, ser los héroes de nuestra propia historia.

✨Bio: “Soy Dani, self-taught cake decorator @danicastrocakes .
⁣Soy la mamá de Mia y Lola (perrihijas), amante de la comida y sus infinitas posibilidades.”⁣

⁣✨¿Cuál es un miedo que has vencido recientemente?⁣

⁣”Uno de los miedos que he superado recientemente es salir de mi zona de confort. La vida me ha dado varios empujones que me han obligado a tomar decisiones importantes. No ha sido fácil, pero esa determinación me ha dado oportunidades para crecer y ser mejor.”⁣

⁣✨¿Qué es para ti ser Fearless?⁣

⁣“Para mi, ser Fearless, significa tomar tus miedos y dudas de la mano. Superar algunos y aprender a convivir con otros. Ser Fearless, no es no tener miedo. Es hacer, a pesar, de ese miedo. Ser Fearless, es arriesgarse a vivir.”⁣
⁣ ⁣

✨Bio: “Soy Bella Umaña. Estoy felizmente casada con el amor de mi vida desde hace 6 años. Tenemos dos hijos, Jorge y Samira, que amo con todo mi ser. Ellos son mi motivación y fuerza cada día. Por ellos, trato de dar lo mejor de mi. También soy orgullosamente, mama perruna de Lolita. Soy arquitecta en interiores. Amo diseñar y crear espacios. Amo diseñar cosas locas. Amo las flores y la inspiración que me dan. Amo una taza de café negro en las mañanas. Me gusta leer en mis tiempos libres, correr e ir al gimnasio. Soy una persona muy familiar, amo pasar tiempo con las personas que quiero. “⁣

⁣✨Cual es un miedo que has vencido recientemente? ⁣
⁣”El miedo a desarrollar algo que quiero hacer y no poder abordarlo de la manera correcta.”⁣

⁣✨Que es para ti ser Fearless? ⁣ ⁣”Fearless, para mi es luchar por lo que deseamos aunque dudemos si saldrá o no, de la manera correcta. Es luchar por nuestros sueños, a pesar de las dudas. Cuando deseamos algo con el corazón, intentarlo sin dejar que el miedo nos venza.”

✨Bio: My name is Jessica Barrera, I am 34 years old, born in Managua, Nicaragua. From a family of 5, I am the middle child just like the sandwich that has the better part in the middle 😉 (it took me 20 years to believe it, I used to think otherwise). I love music, the ocean, and dancing. I work in a great company where the corporate values are in line with my personal values (and that is key for me). This company helps the world move and connect. I found this especially important to small and medium businesses.⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣
⁣One recent fear I overcame was losing my essence. I was losing myself, and I knew I didn’t want to be the person I was becoming. I started to miss myself, and then I knew I needed to do something and be fearless. So, I decided to trust myself and leave the fear that I knew was making me unhappy. And with it, all the self-pity and stereotypes that society puts on you. To overcome a fear, I believe you need to recognize you have one, embrace it, and tell the fears that you don’t want them in the control of your life. To me, embracing fears is crucial since, as with other feelings, they always teach us something.⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣
⁣Fearless is a word that has been more present in my life since I decided to take a leap of faith to grow professionally and personally, and leave my country and my family, 4 years ago. ⁣
⁣Fearless to me is recognizing you have a fear, but being brave enough to somehow face it. Fearless is not a lack of fear. It is recognizing our fears and taking control of our life, despite them. Fearless, to me, is staying true to ourselves by keeping our essence.⁣

⁣My new statement for myself is: Don’t let your fears steal your happiness, atrévete! 💫

✨Bio: I´m Andrea Ordonez, an only child – yes, very small family – Guatemalan and 29 years old (almost 30!), living in Mexico City for the last 4 years. I love traveling, spending time with my friends and family, rest down under the sun in front of the sea, music, and a good beer with tequila. For the last 10 years, I have been working on an international shipping company, contributing to the global economy. This company has supported my growth in personal and professional aspects. It has allowed me to do my best and discover a new version of me through experiences and people (that I can call family!).

✨What fear have you overcome recently?

One of the biggest fears I have had throughout my life is the fear of death; maybe it might sound strong – or at least for me scary. From my perspective, it continues to be a “taboo” in our society. During the last months around this pandemic situation, I have had plenty of time to reflect around it and start overcoming this fear. I started to change my fear for death into what can I do NOW that I’m alive. Enjoying every single instant (just trying to put the pause button has helped a lot), but also accepting the fact that death is a complete NATURAL stage of life. That is must be combined with the real importance of leaving our “legacy” around all the people we meet through this journey called life, which will keep us ALIVE in the hearts and souls we touch. Reflecting, exercising, meditating, and writing has been key for me to change my fear into FAITH.

✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?

For me being fearless is to have the opportunity to continually rebuild your thoughts. And to translate them into better moments, people, goals, behaviors. I truly believe in the law of attraction, meaning that you can get/create/be whatever your thoughts build up. Fear is just a thought that restricts us from thinking about been limitless. For me, being fearless is having NO LIMITS!✨

✨Bio: “I’m Andrea, a 31-year-old Salvadoran, youngest of 3 siblings, wife to an architect, and amazing man. I’m a lover of the sea, outdoors, music & concerts, thriller movies and family time. I have a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. I’m an eternal optimistic and always on the look for sweet treats.”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”Leaving my comfort zone. After a great 10-year career in logistics, I found myself with a big decision. Staying on a job that I didn’t feel fit me anymore or exploring new possibilities on my own. In a completely different field. I was afraid of the uncertainty, of my inexperience in a new area, of failing, of not having a steady income, of what people would think. Despite all this, I decided to take the leap and go explore entrepreneurship, along with my husband’s business. So here I am, finding myself with a new challenge every day, constantly learning and reinventing myself one step at a time.⁣
⁣In my case, having the people I love the most, close to me – my love & partner, my family, good friends – this circle has made me stronger over the years. Because often, we will find that others believe truly in us before we do. And who is to say we can’t?”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”To me, it means having courage, having a strong faith in God, pushing yourself forward even with uncertainty, questioning, or doubts, but always forward. Allowing your curiosity & creativity regardless of what others say while remaining loyal to yourself always.”

✨Bio: “Hi, I’m Claudia. Coffee addict, psychologist, working in Human Resources. I love to experiment in the kitchen. Drinking wine with my friends is one of the things that I enjoy the most.”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”The fear of being ashamed. I recently decided to start a parallel career as a Professional Organizer. I took the KonMari training last year, but as I spoke with some people about this, I received a lot of: Really? Is that a career? Did you spend money on that training? ⁣
⁣I felt ashamed and started questioning myself. I found myself sharing this with fewer people, making jokes, and taking away its importance. I was pretending it wasn’t a big deal, but for me, it was a big deal! ⁣
⁣I realized this is something that deserves to be share and not something to feel ashamed about. It is something I feel happy about and that I shouldn’t be afraid of what people think because my heart is right, and it is my passion. My “life cheerleaders” prove it and encourage it. They started asking for advice, sending me pictures of their places, wanting to learn more, or trying to make an appointment for a consultancy. There is no more joy than have your soul free of fear.”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”Fearless, for me, is part of the journey of going inside yourself, connect with your feelings, and provoke decisions.”

✨Bio: “I am a 35-year-old Venezuelan, that has been living around the world for the past 16 years. The Netherlands is now my home. It is the 4th country I’ve lived in! I am the proud momma of a year and a half Shitzu named Luna. I love reading, politics, support strong women, and equality.⁣”

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣ ⁣”It is quite hard to pick one moment of fear. I think fears keep us alert, and, to some degree, it is actually healthy. One that showed me how strong I can be was overcoming the fear of losing my dad to a horrible disease. Accept and understand that the best for him was to go when he was ready was the most difficult decision I’ve taken. This drove me to enjoy every second possible with him in a deeper way. To give him quality of life, to made his dreams come true, to be closer to my family, and to be a source of strength to my family after he passed away. “

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”Fearless is caring so much about something or someone (including yourself) that you overcome any obstacle that you never thought in your wildest dreams you could. Fearless is knowing that the path is full of roadblocks, but knowing in your heart that it is the right way to go.”

✨Bio: “My name is Paulina Gonzalez, a 24-year-old Honduran fashionista. Since a little girl, I knew I was meant to be in the fashion industry. After high school graduation, I moved to New York City (the city of my dreams) to pursue my goals. Not only did I had the best experiences, but I met many inspiring people and had the opportunity to work with my favorite brands. Two years ago, I graduated from LIM College with a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Merchandising with a concentration on Fashion Styling. After graduation, I moved back to Honduras, where I was born and raised. A few months after moving back and figuring out what I wanted to do with my life, I started working on a blog I had on hold. This fashion and lifestyle blog is Etiqueta Negra. Today, I work full time on @etiquetanegra__ by collaborating and doing partnerships with the coolest brands. I also launched a women’s apparel online store called @studio95___ . As I continue working in what I love, there was always something else I wanted to do. Here’s where my recent fear takes place. Continue to read to figure it out.”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”Since the quarantine started, I kept on reading the same quotes all over social media. “Use this time to spark your creativity,” “practice a new hobby,” and “brainstorm new business ideas.” As the ambitious and curious woman that I am. I’m always on the look to do something else. Lately, blogging and selling clothes hasn’t been enough for me. I still crave to do and learn new things. I grew up admiring my grandmother’s cooking skills. I don’t know if I am just obsessed with Argentinean cuisine, but she had the best dishes. After she passed away, I had behind my back for a long time how much I wanted to share my love for her recipes with others. How much I wanted to re-create her delicious recipes for others. But I never did because I let my fear of not being the best cook take over me. I kept on thinking to myself, “Cooking is not my forte, it’s not what I do.” I was afraid of people’s reactions. What if people don’t like what I cook? I just felt a little intimidated. One day I reminded myself what I always say.”Comfort zone kills”. ⁣
⁣Stepping out of my comfort zone was the only way for me to figure out if this is what I want to do. It was just a few days ago when I overcome my fear of cooking. One day I took the courage and told my mom I wanted to sell alfajores and other Argentinean delights. Once again, my parents supported my crazy idea, and it has been some weeks since I launched @dulche___ . They say there’s always a positive to a negative. Even though we are living during a hard time, I overcome the fear of bringing others a reason to smile again by #sweeting up their day with delicious delights made by me.”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”Fearless is more than what you do. Fearless is more than being a confident person with good energy and full of life. Fearless is someone who works on themselves to better themselves. Fearless is someone who had fear at some point in their life but got up one more time because, without fear, we can’t have courage. And without courage, dreams die.”

✨Bio: “I’m Dani Araujo, a 34 years old Venezuelan living in Panama. I’m a Telecommunications Engineer working in the fast-consumer goods industry. I’m also a sports lover. A runner for 19 years and a triathlete for almost 10 years now. So far, I have run 9 marathons, done 3 Full-Ironmans, and 17 Half-Ironmans. Living life to the fullest is my mantra, so I try to apply it in all the aspects of my life. As a daughter, sister, friend, engineer, triathlete, dreamer, and “wanderluster.” I’m very passionate about self-care and self-motivation. I believe that by sharing my well-being experiences, I can inspire others to pursue their happiness.”⁣

⁣ ✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”It is not really recent. It was back in 2018, but I would really like to share this story 😊. After having some personal life changes, I decided I wanted to pursue a big goal. I thought that competing on my 2nd Full Ironman and outside America, was that perfect big goal. After taking the decision and registering for the race, I found out that no one from my family or friends could join on the trip. I started training my body but also training my mind because I was nervous and afraid to be alone and racing for more than 10 hours. That feeling of fear just made me savor the experience even deeper. ⁣
⁣As you can see in the picture, I experienced an amazing satisfaction after I crossed the finish line. That day I achieve more things than I was expecting. That day I felt Fearless. “⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”To me, it means to believe in myself. To feel and know that I’m capable of achieving whatever goal I want. To look myself in the mirror and respect and admire what I see. To be loyal to my principles and beliefs, even when people are judging.”⁣

✨Bio: “My name is Jessica, I’m originally from Bolivia. I am the youngest of 4, and I grew up in a loving family following the example from 2 fearless women in my life, my mom and my big sister. If I have do define myself, I’d say I am a life learner… throughout my life, I’ve always needed to learn new things. That curiosity led me to where I am today, living in wonderful Copenhagen with the love of my life, and a recently obtained Yoga Teacher certificate @blissyoga2020 .”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”It is not so recent, but it’s been a life-changing decision for me and is in relation to what I wrote above, at one point in my life I felt like I had lost my motivation, I felt I was trapped in a life I didn’t like, a job I didn’t like and a career I didn’t like. I needed something more so (with a little push from my brother) I decided to leave the comfort behind. I left my country, my family and friends, to study something new and start from scratch. Looking backward, it’s been the best thing I could have possibly done for myself. I’ve lived in 4 countries ever since, and I’ve visited more places than I could have ever dreamed about and, most important, found the most amazing people in this journey.”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”For me being fearless is not about never feeling fear but about overcoming it with confidence, hard work, love, lots of faith, and a circle of people that will inspire you and support you no matter what. It is about creating a vision of who you could be and then become that person one step at a time.”

✨Bio: “I am a 36-year-old dreamer, moon watcher and nature lover who fiercely believes in magic & the power of intuition. I am forever empowered by a lineage of strong and fearless women, eternally proud of what it means to be female. Mother of 4 dogs and a kitten, married to the love of my life. And gardener to a small piece of this earth. ⁣
⁣I have a passion for leadership & inspiring others to be the best version of themselves, connecting people to grow businesses and developing wealth for my beloved Mexico and the world. ⁣
⁣My professional experience includes several roles in Sales and Trade Management for global logistics companies, and currently developing an Inter ocean corridor in Mexico connecting Pacific and Gulf coasts as Managing Director for Transport and Energy at the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec under the Mexican Government. I would love to connect with you via linked in! http://linkedin.com/in/morganedwardsmexico”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”My most recent overcome fear has been to walk away from a 13-year-old career, and what I thought would be my dream job. And being brave enough to stay true to myself and what I stand for, which was no longer compatible with the company I worked for. I woke up one day and thought to myself, “Change will be painful, but nothing is as painful as staying still in a place where I don’t belong,” and decided to let go and walk away. ⁣
⁣A few months later, I have found myself, my peace, and my passion reignited in a new job that has a higher purpose and incredibly challenging aspirations!”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”Fearless, to me, means that we recognize and acknowledge our fears (which are natural and ever-coming). And to decide to face and overcome them by moving forward and following our heart and gut feeling, despite all the worst-case scenarios. When we focus on the best-case scenarios and stay true to what ignites our passion, we can only succeed and grow!”

✨Bio: “I’m a 30ish Costa Rican living abroad for 7 years already. I love spending time with my family and traveling. Right now, these two things are the ones I miss the most and look forward to doing again!”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”One of the recent fears I had to overcome was the feeling of having no control. I’m a person who likes to know what is happening and why and take action on that. One year and a half ago, I experience a situation where I didn’t have control at all. After 11 years, I found myself without a job and a stable income. That fear made me think about how to use my time in productive ways and how I could reinvent myself. It wasn’t easy at the beginning, but facing that fear made me do something I had been procrastinating for a long time. I started writing short stories about my self anonymously. I created a page where I publish them. And even though I have few readers, I feel satisfied that there are people who identify with certain situations. And that by doing something that, in the end, helps me to get out of my comfort zone and forces me to know me better.”⁣

⁣PS: nobody who knows me follows the page or has ever read the stories probably some of you are just part of it ⁣🙂

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”For me being fearless doesn’t have a single meaning. I see the meaning every time I see my self in a mirror, every time I see my friends, my mom, my sister, etc. Being fearless is what shapes our personalities, and when you see that in someone, it just make us love the best of people!”

✨Bio: “Hi! My name is Fabiola, and I am many things. I am a God-believer above everything. I’m the wife of one of the most incredible, kind-hearted human beings on Earth (according to my own personal scale). I’m the mom of the cutest baby girl. I am a caring daughter, and I am a protective big sister. I’m an educational psychologist. I am also the owner of my own private practice and a coworker at a prestigious school.”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you come recently?⁣

⁣”After spending my pregnancy reading every book or article possible, doing everything “by the book” and being fearless in the process of creating life; I became terrified when my gyno told my hubby and me the word “c-section.” I remember crying a lot that day, feeling defeated. How did I overcome this fear? GOD, that’s it. My amazing husband reminded me that God makes everything perfect. And that He takes care of us every second of every day. We prayed the night before and the morning of my c-section. A big plus that day was seeing my parents and in-laws with me. Their prayers and love gave me strength.”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”Being Fearless for me means leaving all my doubts, concerns, and projects to God. Being Fearless is recognizing I am what I am, and I do what I do because God has a perfect plan for my life.”

✨Bio: “I’m Krissy van Niekerk. Momma, Wife, Leader, Traveler, Fitness Attempter, Craft Beer Aficionado. Passionate about strength – physical, mental, and as a leader!”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently?⁣

⁣”One fear I have been working on overcoming is the fear of feeling guilty about making time to take care of myself. I have realized that the only way I can be a good mom, wife, and teammate is if I prioritize exercise, sleep, and time to relax – and that’s not being selfish :).”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless?⁣

⁣”For me being fearless is not about not having any fears, but about the confidence to face them with courage and humility, to not be afraid to ask for help along the way, and to help others whenever you can.”⁣

⁣”And here’s a pic of me conquering my fears” 😁😁

Bio: “My name is Mariana (Martin del Campo)/ @mar1anushka ~I live in chaotic Mexico City. I work as a Customer Service Manager in a shipping line. I enjoy long conversations with a glass of wine. I can’t live without music. Music has saved my life so many times that I keep my earphones very close to me in case I need a lifeboat to escape reality. I like to tell and listen to stories and anecdotes. I am a giver and a talker—a dreamer with a permanent house on the moon. I am also an overthinker. And-no surprise-I love books.”⁣
⁣ ⁣
⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently? ⁣
⁣”A week before my birthday last year, I went to a concert. At the venue’s bar, one of my best friends (a Fearless woman) and I were waiting for the show to start. There, I started talking. I told her I felt numb, not sad, or happy-just numb. And that I was physically ill. She didn’t pity me and just told me: ‘Have you thought about going to therapy?” That simple conversation gave me the courage to start facing my demons-the ones that had taken control of my mind and body. I was later diagnosed with depression. That diagnosis gave me even more courage, I had a mental illness, but I also wanted to heal. The process hasn’t been easy, but the rewards make it worth it. I am enjoying things so much more. I am feeling deeper.”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless? ⁣
⁣”Being fearless for me is to know that there are no right or wrong answers; vulnerability is not a bad thing. Things are not black or white. Fearless is being willing to explore the grey and facing the darkness and light with an open mind and heart. My fearless moment happened when I decided to face my mind and my emotions and understanding that I am who I am because of them.” 💫✨

Bio: “Mom, wife, lover of wine, good books and life in general. My biggest passion in life is my daughter and I live for her everyday.”⁣

⁣✨What fear have you overcome recently? ⁣
⁣”A recent fear I’ve overcome is mothering without my mom. It is not quite “overcome” as I believe it is an ongoing growth process. I have had to rely on my inner voice (which I believe is very much my mom’s) to make choices as Hannah’s mom.”⁣

⁣✨What does it mean to you to be Fearless? ⁣
⁣”To me, being Fearless means having courage but not always in the terms you want. Not waiting for the perfect moment but having faith to follow through.”✨💫

“Abracemos nuestro Impacto” Sesión IFMSA Julio 2020

Estimadas y Estimados Miembros de IFMSA, nuevamente gracias por darme la oportunidad de compartir la sesión con ustedes el día de ayer. Aquí les dejo los puntos mas importantes de la sesión, al igual que las recomendaciones de cursos y libros. Si hacen click en la imagen del libro, los lleva directamente a la página de Amazon, por si gustan leer mas sobre el libro y/o hacer la compra en digital.

Importante: Entiendo que en estos momentos y hasta Septiembre, Coursera esta ofreciendo diplomas gratis al completar los cursos, a estudiantes que cuentan con dirección de correo electrónico .edu

También como muchas mostraron interés en leer, Fearless, les comparto donde lo pueden adquirir en versión digital. ¡Pronto estará disponible en Honduras impreso y lo podrán adquirir, entrega a domicilio si están en SPS y con servicio de envíos si están en Tegucigalpa!

Un abrazo, M.

Sesión 2nda Asamblea General Extraordinaria

Una persona impactante es simplemente, alguien que contribuye a hacer mejor a las personas y a todo aquello que lo rodea. Bajo esta definición y bajo el entendido que no existe una métrica universal, todas y todos podemos ser personas que causen impacto.

  1. Abracemos nuestro impacto, silenciando nuestro ego.
  2. Abracemos nuestro impacto, eligiendo nuestras causas.
  3. Abracemos nuestro impacto, educándonos y cuestionando–no juzgando.
  4. Abracemos nuestro impacto, desaprendiendo.
  5. Abracemos nuestro impacto, escuchando y validando.
  6. Abracemos nuestro impacto, desde donde estemos–literal y figurativamente.
  7. Abracemos nuestro impacto, reescribiendo el manual de “Hombre Ejemplar”.

Recomendaciones de Libros

También en la pagina de las Naciones Unidas pueden encontrar información muy valiosa:


Recomendaciones de Cursos Gratis en Coursera

Feminismo y Justicia Social: https://www.coursera.org/learn/feminism-social-justice?

Derechos de la Mujer: https://www.coursera.org/learn/womens-health-human-rights?

Quien es esta aspirante a escritora? Publicado en Agosto 2019.

Del mundo corporativo a escribir…

Hola! Me llamo Marcela, y este es literal y figurativamente mi salto de fe.

Después de 8 años en el mundo corporativo, puse la renuncia y decidí que era tiempo de entregarme en mente y corazón a perseguir uno de mis mas grandes sueños: terminar de escribir y publicar mi primer libro.

El año pasado empecé una cuenta en Instagram: @emandtheshelf, esta cuenta esta enfocada en recomendaciones y opiniones sobre libros, poemas, pensamientos y perspectivas.

Este blog es la transición de la cuenta de Instagram. Aquí, estaré compartiendo el proceso creativo (con todas sus altas y bajas) de terminar de escribir mi primer libro y (ojalá) el proceso de publicarlo.

Me gusta pensar que soy una aprendiz profesional. Cuando no estoy aprendiendo algo nuevo, estoy leyendo, escribiendo, viajando, corriendo medias maratones o disfrutando de una buena taza de café o una copa de vino.

Durante las siguientes 52 semanas, la oficina principal de Em and the Shelf (mejor conocida como mi apartamento) estará en la fría pero encantadora Copenhague, Dinamarca.

Es un honor que estén leyendo lo que escribo, gracias por echarle porras a mis sueños y aventuras.


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