Un poema de Navidad

Soy el hoy: Primera Parte Soy el hoy: Segunda Parte Soy las cicatrices que llevo en mi piel, mi piel color capuchino con doble shot de café. Soy el olor a mandarina de mis manos, y soy también, mis más de treinta años. Soy los secretos que guardo, y el alivio que logré, cuando encontréContinue reading “Un poema de Navidad”

Todo está bien.

Ayer termine de leer un libro. Me gusto mucho, lo disfrute, y lo mejor de todo es que me dejo una reflexión profunda. En el libro, la autora describe un abrazo entre la pareja protagonista. Durante el abrazo, la protagonista tiene este pensamiento: “Siempre decimos “Todo va a salir bien”; y, aunque es una fraseContinue reading “Todo está bien.”

A Coffee with Self-Doubt

Self-Doubt is a sneaky guest that seems to pop-up anywhere and everywhere, uninvited and unannounced. Self-Doubt is keen to hang out with women in general (believe me, have asked plenty of my girlfriends). But it is fair to assume that everyone has dealt with or is dealing with this unwanted guest. Must confess that aContinue reading “A Coffee with Self-Doubt”

Dear Fearless Reader, Thank you in advance.

Dear Fearless Reader, Thank you. Thank you, because you have chosen to let a piece of my soul in your life. Thank you for wanting to read my book, and thank you for choosing to. I want to thank your eyes, in advance, because they will be the ones to see the words I haveContinue reading “Dear Fearless Reader, Thank you in advance.”

About gratitude, tough days and a little escape…

These past few days have been tough, I keep thinking that right this second I should be in Honduras enjoying time with my family and with the book events at full-speed. I allow myself to think about that and even dwell a little. Still, I consciously make an effort to summoned gratitude feelings. Because peopleContinue reading “About gratitude, tough days and a little escape…”

Fearless Chapter List

I wanted to share with you today, the chapter list of my upcoming book Fearless. Each chapter is an answer to the question, “What would I do if I were not afraid?” Some chapters are lighter, others are heavier, but everyone one of them is filled with honesty, learnings, personal anecdotes, and reflections.  I started toContinue reading “Fearless Chapter List”

Excerpt from Fearless

Fearless is a compilation of inspirational and personal answers to the question: “What would I do if I weren’t afraid?” The answers are written in the form of essays. I thought today was a good day to share with you a reading snack. Below is an excerpt from the fourth essay of the book. ChapterContinue reading “Excerpt from Fearless”